I have always been interested in business and marketing, especially owning my own business, making money for myself and yes, BEING MY OWN BOSS. I hated having someone looking over my shoulder all the time to check if I was there working or on a personal call. (hey sometimes you get a call and you need to take it) I hated my nosy co worker looking in on me and reporting to the boss that I was always 5-8 minutes late to work, then spent another 5 minutes getting coffee. I loathed having performance reviews, wherein you basically are begging for a 59 cent raise. It all seemed ridiculous to me. Why couldn't I make money for myself, and own my own business? Was it unreasonable to want my own online business and make money for me on my terms? If I wanted to open an online store, what the hell was stopping me? I know exactly what it was...it was the thing that stops all of us dead in our tracks. FEAR. Or better yet fear of the unknown. so I stayed at my safe 9-5 job that I hated for years, and would suffer internally every Sunday night when the evening came, dreading the work week ahead of me. I used to call it SMONDAY because around 7 pm every Sunday without fail, anxiety would set in! Had I done laundry for the week so I had clean work clothes? Did I go shopping for lunches for the week? Did I have enough gasoline in the car to make the 20 minute drive to work? I felt like I spent zero time having fun and living a full life. I was just living chained to a job that paid me only enough to survive, and do a few extra things, but never enough to save a real amount. I dreaded going to bed to wake up at 6:30 am and get ready for a shitty Monday, because everyone knows Mondays suck ass, and no one wants to be at work on a Monday. Then we had these horrible Monday meetings where the owners of the company were to assign tasks and do check ins on peoples progress. Probably the worst waste of time, and made me even more behind on my work. I also hated having a manager that I knew was logging onto my system to check on my work. Just like a daddy checking on his little girls homework. It was bullshit. I honestly would have worked more and with better efficiency had he not been spying on my work. I fucking had enough!!
I was in a new relationship with Prince at this time and he knew I was fed up. Then we hit a big life milestone. I was pregnant. I found out and became happy but afraid to tell the bosses. I knew the reaction was not going to be so positive. Me being pregnant meant that I was going to be out on maternity leave, and then come back having a responsibility at home that could cause calling in sick. I worked all through my pregnancy, got preeclampsia at 38 weeks and then started working from home, which was OK, but still sucked because I wasn't working for myself. Originally I planned to be home with my baby for 90 days and then go back to work. We had not found childcare but thought we could find a family member or get a nanny recommendation. So I have the baby, and once I had her in my arms, I knew I wasn't gonna go back to 9-5 hell and hand her over to a nanny to raise. So it was then I decided, I am going to work for myself, make money online and stay home with my baby. I looked at lots of possibilities and what stuck out the most for me was affiliate marketing. I thought hey- I can do this. So here I am in the beginning of my journey in online affiliate marketing and e-commerce. I have so much to learn but i know I can do it. I need to do it. I want to do it. I never, ever want to have a boss again. Never. I want to be able to stay home and work in my home office, and raise my baby. I am navigating unknown waters here, but I know that I can put my head down into the material and tear it apart until i learn the ins and out of it. I was recently watching a YouTube video with Malan Darras, where he bluntly tells it like it is about affiliate marketing, and I appreciate him for that. It's going to be a long learning process. I understand affiliate marketing wont make me rich over night, but i know that if i take his program I can learn, learn, learn until my eyes are watering from being on the computer for 18 hours straight for a month or 2? or 3? I'm not sure, but as long as I can be my own boss, set my own hours, and never ever have to ask for permission for time off to go do my personal life things that need to get done, I'll be happy. I'm going off on a tangent here, but OK, I am ready to do it. I am ready to start as a full time online affiliate marketer, have several online stores, and just BE MY OWN DAMN BOSS! Hopefully, god-willing, amen.
Thank you for your time whoever is out there that reads this. if anyone is out there?
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